Upcoming public defense of doctoral dissertation

The public defense of VTM Maija Jäske’s Ph.D. dissertation ‘Democratic Innovations in Finnish Local Politics: Essays on the Varieties, Causes and Consequences of Mechanisms for Direct Citizen Participation’ is held at the University of Turku on January 11, 2019. The event is in English.

Opponent: Professor André Bächtiger (University of Stuttgart)
Custos: Professor Maija Setälä (University of Turku)

Time and place:
January 11, 2019, 12.00, Publicum, lecture hall Pub 3, Assistentinkatu 7, Turku.


Upcoming FinDem seminar: Dr. Peter Söderlund

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Peter Söderlund from Åbo Akademi University to give his presentation at the General research seminar at Åbo Akademi University.

Dr. Söderlund will be presenting his paper “Cross-sectional and longitudinal effects of candidate-centred ballots on electoral volatility”.

Time and place: December 13th, 14-15, ASA House, A stairs, 4th floor and room A 402 (Demos)


Upcoming FinDem seminar: PhD candidate and Visiting Researcher Hans Asenbaum

We are pleased to welcome PhD candidate and visiting researcher Hans Asenbaum from University of Westminster to give his presentation at the General research seminar for political scientists at Åbo Akademi University.

Asenbaum will be holding a presentation titled “Anonymity and Democracy: Chances and Challenges in the Digital Age” based on his recent article in the American Political Science Review.

Please see the “Visiting researchers”  section for more information on the presenter (http://findem.fi/visiting-researchers/).

Time and place:  October 30th, 2-3 pm, ASA House, A stairs, 4th floor and room A 402 (Demos).


Upcoming FinDem seminar: Dr. Luca Bernardi from the PALO project

The Participation in Long-Term Decision-Making (PALO) project proudly presents: Dr. Luca Bernardi from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Dr. Bernardi will be presenting his and Dr. Christopher Ojeda’s (University of Tennessee) paper “Depression and Political Interest” at the General research seminar for political scientists at Åbo Akademi University.

Time and place:  September 26th, 1:30-2:30 pm, ASA House, A stairs, 4th floor and room A 402 (Demos).


Upcoming FinDem seminar: Doctoral student Janette Huttunen

We are pleased to welcome Doctoral student Janette Huttunen from Åbo Akademi University to give her presentation at the General research seminar for political scientists at Åbo Akademi University.

Huttunen will be presenting her paper “Young people’s political participation in democratic innovations”.

Time and place:  April 11th, 2-3 pm, ASA House, A stairs, 4th floor and room A 402 (Demos).


Call for papers: The third deliberative democracy summer school

Finnish Centre for Democracy Research at the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University has the pleasure to announce the third deliberative democracy summer school and invites postgraduate students and early career researchers to take part.

Please fill in the application form to apply: www.bit.ly/turkusummerschool. Deadline for applications is March 9. Applicants will be informed about the decisions regarding successful applications on March 23 at the latest.

More information can be found here.

Upcoming FinDem seminar: Doctoral student Marco La Rosa

We are pleased to welcome Doctoral student Marco La Rosa from Åbo Akademi University to give his presentation at the General research seminar for political scientists at Åbo Akademi University.

Mr. La Rosa will be presenting his paper “Vox Populi Europae? MEPs’ representative role
after Lisbon”.

Please notice the new place! : Time and place:  January, 10th, 2-3 pm, ASA House, B building, room B 129 (video conference room “Mellanvågen”)


Upcoming public defense of doctoral dissertation

The public defense of VTM Juha Ylisalo’s Ph.D. dissertation ‘Herders in the Budgetary Commons: The Fiscal Policy Consequences of Multiparty Government in the European Union’ is held at the University of Turku on December 16, 2017. The event is in Finnish.

Opponent: Professor Mikko Mattila (University of Helsinki)
Custos: Professor Maija Setälä (University of Turku)

Time and place:
December 16, 12.00, Publicum, lecture hall Pub 3, Assistentinkatu 7, Turku.


Upcoming FinDem seminar: Dr. Henrik Serup Christensen

We are pleased to welcome Dr. Henrik Serup Christensen from Åbo Akademi University to give his presentation at the General research seminar at Åbo Akademi University.

Dr. Henrik Serup Christensen will be presenting the paper “Self-reported Health and Direct Democracy – The Case of the Citizens’ Initiative in Finland”.

Time and place: December 14th, 12-13, ASA House, A stairs, 4th floor and room A 402 (Demos)


Upcoming FinDem seminar: Drs. Kim Strandberg, Staffan Himmelroos, Henrik Serup Christensen and Peter Söderlund

We are pleased to welcome  Drs. Kim Strandberg, Staffan Himmelroos, Henrik Serup Christensen and Peter Söderlund from Åbo Akademi University to give their presentations at the General research seminar at Åbo Akademi University.

Drs. Strandberg, Himmelroos and Christensen will give a presentation on Qualtrics, while Dr. Söderlund will present a research paper on the impact of internal and external efficacy on political trust.

Time and place: November 15th, 2-4pm, ASA House, A stairs, 4th floor and room A 402 (Demos)
